NC-Dunphy - Conventional Non- GMO group VI soybean. Grey pubescence, purple flower, imperfect black hilum, and a tan pod wall.
(Exclusively Licensed - Eure Seed Farms/Gerard Seed Co.)
NC-Raleigh - Conventional Non-GMO group VII soybean. Tawny pubescence, white flower, black hilum, and tan pod wall. Good resistance to common leaf diseases.
Jake - Conventional Non-GMO group V soybean. Tawny pubescence, purple flowers, tan pod wall, and black hilum. Resistance to SCN races 1,2,3,5 and 14. Moderate resistance to root knot nematode, sudden death syndrome (SDS), and stem canker.
NC- Miller - Conventional Non-GMO group V soybean. Grey pubescence, purple flowers, tan pod wall, buff hilum.
(Licensed Variety - Dogwood Farms, Southern Farmers Seed Coop, York & Son)
N7003CN - Conventional Non-GMO group VII soybean. Tawny pubescence, purple flower, tan pod wall, black hilum. Resistant to race 2 (HG Type of the soybean cyst nematode.
(Available for Licensing)
TN09-008 - Conventional Non-GMO group 5.3. Tawny pubescence, purple flowers, tan pod wall. Resistant to HG types (, 5.7) and (2.5.7) soybean cyst nematode. Resistant to stem canker and moderately resistant to SDS.
(Available for Licensing)
TN15-5007 - Conventional Non-GMO group 4.7. Gray pubescence, white flowers, tan pod wall, brown hilum. High yielding soybean with high meal protein. Resistance to stem canker. (Available for Licensing)
N8002 - Conventional Non-GMO group VIII. Gray pubescence, purple flowers, tan pod wall, buff hilum. High yielding with good drought resistance.